The most popular collection. Here you will find the videos that you will do the most: a complete full body workout staying below the hour mark.

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  • Hips & low back - 44 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this workout we go from segmental strengthening to myofascial stretching and ELDOA. At the end of the session, you will feel your pelvis stable and able to access ranges of motion that are usually challenging! You will feel free!
    Exercises: G max reinforcement, roll an...

  • Int/Adv Mat With RL - 23 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this intermediate Mat with some advanced exercises and variations.
    Rescue LOOP will be added to both feet and hands to create support for some positions and also to challenge in other exercises.
    Move through it and feel free to drop the LOOP if some variations are t...

  • Pre-Pilates: get started! - 20 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Pre-Pilates exercises give you the foundation that allows you to get stronger and progress. Once you learn the basic rules and you put your body in a good and proper starting position, every exercise will feel right and more doable.
    All these exercises focus on stabilizing th...

  • MFS General - 31 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This sequence includes the most important myo-fascial stretches for pretty much everyone!
    Great to add this workout at the end of any strengthening or conditioning session.
    Bicep femoris, rectus femoris, ilio-psoas, latissimus dorsi, Pec major deep and superficial and lon...

  • Hallux Valgus L1 - 24 min

    Level 1 - Pace: slow
    So many of us have trouble with this joint! This class has the goal to approach the most important and basic exercises and try to take pressure away from this joint. Oftentimes we put too much weight on the small joints of the toes and that can potentially be bad for toe cond...

  • Ribcage and T-Spine ELDOA - 30 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Are you stressed? Do you have a hard time breathing correctly? Do you need motion at the ribcage because you sing or because you play golf?
    This class will allow you to gain range of motion and more freedom in the breathing pattern.
    Targeted osteo-articular warm up, 5-poi...

  • Push Thru Bar Mat - 33 min

    Level 3 - Pace: moderate
    The push thru bar is an amazing feature of the Cadillac: it allows us to stretch the body safely and deeper, supports and ensures that the body works evenly, it also facilitates the correct position of the body in exercises like the teaser where it teaches the students th...

  • The Block Workout #1 - 43 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Fast
    Cardio helps burn a lot of calories, speeds up our metabolism and improves our body mass index (BMI). Performing cardio exercises regularly will help us maintain our ideal weight. It helps control blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.
    Now what can you do if you ha...

  • Closing the Gap - 15 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Many women find out what a DIASTASIS is only after they deliver. Not too many OBGYN’s talk about it and honestly not too many women want to share their frustration about it, and they keep silent. The diastasis is the separation (gap) between the two parts of the rectus abd...

  • Hallux valugus L3 - 18 min

    Level 3- Pace: Moderate
    In this class, we’ll explore exercises that help lessen the pressure on the big toe joint and that aim to restore range of motion when possible. We’ll also work on strengthening the “core of the foot”. If you haven’t done it yet go to bunion level 1 first.
    Exercises: shake...

  • The Winter Workout - 26 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Do you have the habit of shrugging your shoulders even more than usual when the weather is really cold? That’s what I do ;-( This workout focuses on the shoulders, neck and ribcage to free up some tension and improve posture even when it’s cold!

  • MAT with Ball - 30 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Are you working out exclusively in your apt and you don’t have a spine corrector available?
    In this class we have substituted the spine corrector with a slightly deflated small exercise ball: we’ll place it behind the back, under the pelvis and we’ll move it around to get...

  • Osteoporosis Level 1 - 36 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Osteoporosis is very common in the older population (mostly women) and possibly debilitating. An active life and working out can immensely improve the condition itself and the lifestyle. Learn what you can do and what habits you should change to make sure you move around safe...

  • Pelvis and Lower Back Release - 25 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    If you are tight or sore in the pelvis and lower back area this is great to be executed as a stretching stand-alone workout or at the end of any other workout.
    Exercises: SI Joint proprioception, GPS for the Si joint, GPS of the lumbar spine in negative torsion, windshie...