Open Level

Open Level

In this section you will find tutorial videos or slow workouts where many explanations are provided. The content is for beginners, advanced students and everyone in between.

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Open Level
  • 4 Common Imbalances

    Discover the 4 most common imbalances that lead to compensation and pain. Through MELT length moves and Pilates mat exercises, you will create obvious changes to your resting posture as well as during movement. By the end of this class you will feel improvements to the size and shape of your nec...

  • Upper Body Stability

    After you have treated the connective tissue in your upper body, add some stability in the shoulder girdle to improve timing and performance. The addition of a MELT band adds a neuromuscular challenge (and quiver!) to the upper arms and upper back.

  • Upper Body Release

    This MELT class introduces lengthening and compression techniques for the upper body. You will learn how to create better connection and timing in your shoulder girdle, as well as rehydrate connective tissue along your spine and base of skull.

  • Lower Body Release

    This MELT class introduces compression and lengthening techniques for the lower body. You will learn how to rehydrate your hips, thighs and calves as well as create more length in the legs and space in the lower back.


    Whether you are new to The MELT Method, or have experience with connective tissue self-treatment techniques, this 8 week program will transform your thinking and execution of Pilates Mat work. The first four weeks introduce MELT moves that go beyond beginner MELT "Maps" and include neurological ...

  • Monthly Meeting August

    The ribcage is such an important part of our anatomy and it's so fundamental to include these exercises in our goal to give freedom and balance to the body. Do the workout "Ribcage Melt" and listen to the webinar for a more complete experience.

  • Intro to ELDOA #6 - 16 min

    INTRO to ELDOA: Review!
    Open level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #6 we’ll execute the most important ELDOA: the ones that everybody needs and that are beneficial for multiple issues/discomfort that the body might have.

  • June Monthly Call

    Hip Replacement, fascia and foot health questions.

  • Intro to ELDOA #5 - 26 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    MFS – lumbar and coxo fem ELDOA
    In class #5 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on the lumbar spine and the hip joint. The coxo-femoral ELDOA is a very effective exercise to prevent hip replacement.

  • Intro to ELDOA #3: T-spine - 24min

    INTRO to ELDOA: T spine ELDOA & axial extension
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #3 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on the thoracic spine and explain the important concept of axial extension.

  • Intro to ELDOA #2: Lumbar & Cervical - 26 min

    INTRO to ELDOA: Lumbar & Cervical
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #2 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on some ELDOA of the lumbar spine. We’ll also introduce the concept-ELDOA of the cervical spine.

  • INTRO to ELDOA #1 - 23 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In this first ELDOA class we’ll explore the “how and the why” we position the limbs in certain ways. This is one important aspect of the whole ELDOA method. Once you learn these basic rules, you’ll be able to adapt them to any ELDOA posture or Myofascial stretching.

  • Stop Hyperextending - 17 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    In this workout we’ll work on hyper-mobility using the springs of the Cadillac, but the same exercises can be done with the resistance bands. Focus on engaging the muscles (often in internal range) without “hanging” in the joints. Try to recreate the same type of work as y...

  • Osteo Warm up - 17 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    This is a complete osteo-articular warm up that you can add to any workout! You can follow this video before a Pilates Mat, a segmental strengthening or an ELDOA workout! Or just to get your day started! Why not 

  • Monthly Call October

    Stay up to date with everything that is going on with FEET-NESS!

  • Pelvic Floor Coordination - 15 min

    This video will teach you the exercises that you need to reinforce but also how you should be able to coordinate their engagement and work. Useful for anyone and most importantly before/after delivery, menopause and any other pelvic floor pathologies (also for men)

  • Good Morning Workout - 15 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    The workout video “Good Morning Workout” focuses on an osto-articular warm up and light muscle activation.
    It’s perfect to get started and feel better as we move through the day: whether we are engaged in important meetings around the city, picking up the kids at school or...

  • Essential Oils & Breathing

    Discover how essential oils can help us breathe better!
    Danielle O'Connell from Urban Wellness has been working with essential oils for years and in this presentation she teaches how oils are used in general and how we can take advantage of their properties to relax and enhance our breathing

  • Stabilize your Shoulder - 26 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Are your shoulders hypermobile, weak or unstable? This is a great routine of exercises that you can do in the very beginning of the process and that you can also do later on making sure you increase reps, sets and weight.
    Shoulder de-coaptation, segmental reinforcement of ...

  • Ankle Sprain

    If you haven't had the chance to tune in live, here is our call for the month of June.
    The focus was ankle sprain but we also went over other topics of interest like the "9 parts of the Abs"
    Enjoy the recording and I'll see you next month!

  • Desk ELDOA & Stretches - 8 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    It’s important to have a regular workout routine but the best thing we can do for our general health is to add some stretches during our day at the desk. Yes! Put an alarm and stop for 7 minutes of stretching at least twice during your 8-hour workday. It will make your bod...

  • Kids ELDOA - 5 min

    Open level - Pace: Slow
    We have a specific ELDOA for kids that are too young to coordinate so many details and actions. This exercise is great for all kids but most importantly it can help a kid manage a scoliosis that is escalating during growth spurts.

  • Closing the Gap - 15 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Many women find out what a DIASTASIS is only after they deliver. Not too many OBGYN’s talk about it and honestly not too many women want to share their frustration about it, and they keep silent. The diastasis is the separation (gap) between the two parts of the rectus abd...

  • General Cervical ELDOA - 12 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    In this class we prepare the shoulder and neck area with a gentle osteo-articular warm up to then flow in all the cervical ELDOA positions without specifically focusing on any of them. Perfect quick break from the desk or restorative picker upper at the end of the day.