Level 2

Level 2

Intermediate: as you progress from the beginner phase be ready for more advanced workouts. This phase is the one that can really build your body strong and healthy. This is the stage where you also get more tuned in with the wellness aspect and awareness of the different movement patterns.

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Level 2
  • Foot Focus Level 2 Workout A - 5 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Now you are more confident and experienced, and we can explore some new and more demanding exercises. Also, Level 2 workout A is part of the FOOT FOCUS program that develops over 9 weeks and that will help you increase the range of motion, strength and coordination of yo...

  • FOOT Focus Level 2 Workout B - 6 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Now you are more confident and experienced, and we can explore some new and more demanding exercises. Also, Level 2 workout B is part of the FOOT FOCUS program that develops over 9 weeks and that will help you increase the range of motion, strength and coordination of you...