Unique modalities that you can find only here!
ELDOA is a revolutionary technique in the treatment of BACK PAIN. What ELDOA does is create space in between the bones, in this case the vertebrae, giving relief to the tissues and nerves in between them.
ELDOA, in english LOADS (Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches) is a restorative corrective exercise technique for the spine (and other joints of the body) created by Osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. With ELDOA you put the fascia under tension, creating precise and still postures, that provide relief from pain and restore balance.

MYO-FASCIAL Stretching also utilizes the tension of the fascia (connective tissue). This type of stretching is safe, improves the quality of movement, performance and prevents injuries.

  • Recovery for runners - 17 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Myofascial Stretches and ELDOA can help you recover and maintain your body in shape for the next run.
    Quicker recovery, healthier joints and more supple fascia, prevent injuries and allow for better performance!

  • Unilateral ELDOA: Get Started - 27 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
    In the unilateral ELDOA it is very challenging to maintain the body even and aligned: we tend to rotate and side bend different parts of the body as we compensate. This exercise video is a great way to get started!

  • The Diaphragm 101 - 26 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Learn some important exercises and stretches to properly move and release the most important muscle that we have in the body: The diaphragm!

  • Stabilize your Shoulder - 26 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Are your shoulders hypermobile, weak or unstable? This is a great routine of exercises that you can do in the very beginning of the process and that you can also do later on making sure you increase reps, sets and weight.
    Shoulder de-coaptation, segmental reinforcement of ...

  • Thoracic ELDOA & Breathing - 35 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this intense class with a lot of release for the low T-spine and high lumbar spine. In this class we’ll start tapping into the movement in that area and all the important connections with the diaphragm. Decrease your stress level, learn how to breath, improve your s...

  • Ankle Sprain from the ground up! - 20 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Have you ever sprained your ankle? Did you do a proper rehab? If you didn’t that’s why your ankle sprains are recurring over and over. Our body is very much connected, and we can’t stop at the ankle for a good rehab, we need to go a little higher up! Check out the Guide for A...

  • Desk ELDOA & Stretches - 8 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    It’s important to have a regular workout routine but the best thing we can do for our general health is to add some stretches during our day at the desk. Yes! Put an alarm and stop for 7 minutes of stretching at least twice during your 8-hour workday. It will make your bod...

  • Anti-Gravity ELDOA - 40 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    ELDOA has the characteristics to defy gravity but when you deal with a curvature in the spine (scoliosis) the anti-gravity component is even more important. ELDOA is great for different purposes and it’s very helpful with cases of scoliosis
    Warm up, L1-L2, T11-T12,T12-L1...

  • MFS for too much sitting - 21 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Exactly, we all sit TOO much! Everyone. So… from now on we should put a little alarm clock every couple of hours and move! On a longer break do this quick session and your hip flexors and hunched back will thank you!

  • Ribcage and T-Spine ELDOA - 30 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Are you stressed? Do you have a hard time breathing correctly? Do you need motion at the ribcage because you sing or because you play golf?
    This class will allow you to gain range of motion and more freedom in the breathing pattern.
    Targeted osteo-articular warm up, 5-poi...

  • Quick Stretch - 8 min

    Level 2 - Pace: slow
    Stretching is very important, mostly after training or after running and playing sports. This is just a quick flow for when you have very little time, but you don’t want to skip it!

  • Breathing: Relaxation - 11 min

    Open level - Pace: Slow
    One of the most important muscles for respiration is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the biggest and most powerful muscle of the human body, but it’s often ignored and played down because we don’t see it…
    We go to the gym to strengthen muscles like glutes and biceps (to lo...

  • Shoulder: proper movement - 8 min

    Open level - Pace: Slow
    These drills are great to warm up the shoulders before a class, while rehabbing from little tears and inflammation and also to get ready for your “A” game. The 5-point shoulder de-coaptation, scapulae mobilization and some stretching with the towel will help you safely ach...

  • The Power of Awareness - 30 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    No movement session, sport activity or class will be beneficial and efficient without developing awareness for the movements. Awareness is the picture in your brain of your body in space. It’s like a hidden mirror: the clearer and more realistic that image is the more dema...

  • Feel ELDOA - 56 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
    Perfect session to get introduced to ELDOA: let’s explore together all those weird placements of arms, legs ankles and wrists… If you execute this session a few times as you get started with ELDOA everything will be natural and easier as you advance: the rules come back a...

  • ELDOA L5-S1 - 4 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Do you have 1 minute? This is the magic bullet! If you have time for only 1 ELDOA each day, do this one! L5-S1 is where we start compensating from all issues and unevenness going on in the lower limbs: releasing this link is great for EVERYONE.

  • Hips & low back - 44 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this workout we go from segmental strengthening to myofascial stretching and ELDOA. At the end of the session, you will feel your pelvis stable and able to access ranges of motion that are usually challenging! You will feel free!
    Exercises: G max reinforcement, roll an...

  • MFS General - 31 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This sequence includes the most important myo-fascial stretches for pretty much everyone!
    Great to add this workout at the end of any strengthening or conditioning session.
    Bicep femoris, rectus femoris, ilio-psoas, latissimus dorsi, Pec major deep and superficial and lon...

  • Goodnight ELDOA - 12 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    This is the perfect amount of time to dedicate to ELDOA before bedtime! Bring your leg up on the wall, read a couple of pages of your favorite book and follow me for the next 10 minutes: lumbar spine, cervical spine and breathing.

  • General Cervical ELDOA - 12 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    In this class we prepare the shoulder and neck area with a gentle osteo-articular warm up to then flow in all the cervical ELDOA positions without specifically focusing on any of them. Perfect quick break from the desk or restorative picker upper at the end of the day.

  • The Winter Workout - 26 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Do you have the habit of shrugging your shoulders even more than usual when the weather is really cold? That’s what I do ;-( This workout focuses on the shoulders, neck and ribcage to free up some tension and improve posture even when it’s cold!

  • General ELDOA - 5 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    General ELDOA is the only ELDOA in motion. Instead of a still posture we execute three cycles of movements. This ELDOA is for the whole spine: it acts on the dura mater and the fascia of the spinal cord. It’s great as a general warm up for ELDOA and before getting into specif...

  • Kids ELDOA - 5 min

    Open level - Pace: Slow
    We have a specific ELDOA for kids that are too young to coordinate so many details and actions. This exercise is great for all kids but most importantly it can help a kid manage a scoliosis that is escalating during growth spurts.

  • Pelvis and Lower Back Release - 25 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    If you are tight or sore in the pelvis and lower back area this is great to be executed as a stretching stand-alone workout or at the end of any other workout.
    Exercises: SI Joint proprioception, GPS for the Si joint, GPS of the lumbar spine in negative torsion, windshie...