Unilateral ELDOA: Get Started - 27 min
Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
In the unilateral ELDOA it is very challenging to maintain the body even and aligned: we tend to rotate and side bend different parts of the body as we compensate. This exercise video is a great way to get started!
The Diaphragm 101 - 26 min
Level 2 - Pace: Slow
Learn some important exercises and stretches to properly move and release the most important muscle that we have in the body: The diaphragm! -
Stabilize your Shoulder - 26 min
Open Level - Pace: Slow
Are your shoulders hypermobile, weak or unstable? This is a great routine of exercises that you can do in the very beginning of the process and that you can also do later on making sure you increase reps, sets and weight.
Shoulder de-coaptation, segmental reinforcement of ... -
Thoracic ELDOA & Breathing - 35 min
Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
Enjoy this intense class with a lot of release for the low T-spine and high lumbar spine. In this class we’ll start tapping into the movement in that area and all the important connections with the diaphragm. Decrease your stress level, learn how to breath, improve your s...