Unique modalities that you can find only here!
ELDOA is a revolutionary technique in the treatment of BACK PAIN. What ELDOA does is create space in between the bones, in this case the vertebrae, giving relief to the tissues and nerves in between them.
ELDOA, in english LOADS (Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches) is a restorative corrective exercise technique for the spine (and other joints of the body) created by Osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. With ELDOA you put the fascia under tension, creating precise and still postures, that provide relief from pain and restore balance.

MYO-FASCIAL Stretching also utilizes the tension of the fascia (connective tissue). This type of stretching is safe, improves the quality of movement, performance and prevents injuries.

  • Creating Space around the Piriformis

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    This session dives deep into the pelvis, focusing on key ELDOA techniques to target and release tension in the sacral region and piriformis. After brief preparatory work for the obturator and piriformis muscles, Ilaria guides you through sacral ELDOA exercises for S2-S3 a...

  • Factors of Progressions

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This is a classical example of how we can build an ELDOA class without doing any ELDOA postures. Try this workout to feel first hand the power of the factors of progressions!
    Down the road they help you build a better posture, it's easier to adapt the posture to the indiv...

  • ELDOA Marathon

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    ELDOA Marathon with Ilaria Cavagna and Laura Sifuentez
    Join Ilaria and Laura for a flowing ELDOA workout that moves at a steady pace with minimal rest between exercises. This session focuses on the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine, ensuring a full spinal release and i...

  • Classic ELDOA Live Class

    Level 2 - Pace: moderate
    Enjoy this LIVE ELDOA class that includes the most important wellness ELDOA and most of the spinal links!

  • Neck Health - 16 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Slow
    In this video, we're diving into an essential area for both you and your clients—the neck. The “text neck” phenomenon is real and addressing it can make a big difference in how we move and feel. Our approach this month focuses on strengthening the neck extensors and flexors,...

  • Pelvic Floor Awareness

    Reinforcement and stretching for the pelvic floor are two important aspects of the work but the coordination of the work of the pelvic floor with other key muscles like adductors, glutes, diaphragm and transverses abdomini is even more important.

  • Detorsion of the Fascia Iliaca

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Dive into the intricate web of the ilio-psoas fascia, a crucial component intertwining with various joints within the limbo-pelvic complex and the abdominal cavity's internal organs. Discover how disruptions in this fascia can reverberate across the body, affecting numerou...

  • Quadrant of Richet & the Piriformis

    Level 3 - Pace: Slow
    Unlocking the Richet Quadrant and Liberating the Piriformis:
    Delve into the intricate realm of the pelvis as we target the Richet Quadrant and the elusive piriformis muscle. Through specialized ELDOA techniques, we aim to create space around this vital area, providing relief ...

  • Warm up for ELDOA 12min

    Warm up for ELDOA
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for an ELDOA workout: no high impact (jumps) and no pure rotational movements so that we’ll keep as much space as possible in between the vertebrae also during the warm up! All the joints of the body are taken care of but t...

  • SIMPLY ELDOA - 25 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this ELDOA for the spine class as we review the different landmarks of the spine: general ELDOA, L4-L5, T6-T7, cervical flow, all 4 postures, T8-T9, ileo-psoas MFS and L5-S1.

  • NECK 360 - 22 min

    NECK 360
    Level 2-3 - Pace: Moderate
    The neck is such a delicate area of our body and a place where we carry a lot of tension! When the neck is out of alignment we easily get shoulder issues and headaches! Let’s learn how to take care of the neck with many different tools! Proprioception, release ...

  • ELDOA brings me back to life

    Level 1: Pace Moderate
    This workout saves me when I have no time and my body needs a quick “pick me up”. 5 exercises that are so important for everyBODY: general ELDOA, T6-T7, L4-L5, Cervical Flow and the ileopsoas myo-fascial stretching! You will love it too 😉

  • MASHUP - Deepening Rotation

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll focus on rotation. We’ll start mobilizing the big toe and the hips. Next we’ll reinforce the obliques and the transverso-spinalis. Towards the end we’ll focus on the block from T6 to T9 with spinal ELDOA and Rib ELDOA to finally “melt” with the ne...

  • MASHUP - Neck & Shoulder #2

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we continue the work we started in “Neck & Shoulder #1” with the scapula movement, the clavicle palpation/assessment and we’ll add the reinforcement of many muscles that move the scapula and the shoulders. At the end we’ll cool down with MFS and Cervica...

  • MASHUP - Neck & Shoulder #1

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll focus on the neck, the clavicle and the scapula. Palpation will help get more tuned in with that area of the body to then focus on the mobility and the full range of motion. This is the first of a 2 class bundle.
    Q&A at the end!

  • MASHUP - Gravity Line #2

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll start at the feet and go up until the neck: toe extensors, tibias anterior, glute max deep and superficial, lower abs, rhomboids, neck reinforcement and lots of awareness cues!
    Q&A at the end!

  • MASHUP - Gravity Line #1

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll utilize different techniques to work on improving our gravity line: segmental reinforcement, myo-fascial stretching and mostly ELDOA.
    From the feet to the neck we’ll teach the body to stand taller and with less effort! This is the first of a 2 cla...

  • MASHUP - Foot Focus & Connections

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Recorded live zoom class.
    This is the perfect example of what we mean with “From the ground up”. We’ll start at the feet, taking care of over-pronation and we’ll go up the chain to work with the gluteus max superficial, gluteus medius and the adductors!
    Q&A at the end!

  • ELDOA T12-L2 - 30 min

    Level 3. Pace: Moderate
    Intense ELDOA workout that takes care of all the links between T8-T9 and L1-L2. Great for posture, rotation and scoliosis. 💪🏻

  • Lower body stretches - 20 min

    Level 2 – Pace: Slow
    After a long day on the snow… get some release and restorative stretches with us! You’ll get back to top shape and back on the skies the following day!

  • Headaches & Concussions - 34 min

    Headaches & Concussions
    Level 3: Pace: Moderate
    For tension headaches we can help a lot by stretching the muscles of the neck and doing some important ELDOA. In this workout I included some advanced (and not easy) ELDOAs and GPS. Please break the workout down if it’s too much all in one sitting. ...

  • Scapula Protocol - 42 min

    Level 2, Pace: Moderate
    This workout will blow your mind because it’s powerful and incredibly effective for anything scapulae/neck and ribcage related. You’ll learn new ways to create/maintain movement at the joints and strengthen the many muscles around it!
    You will love it! I promise. Let me kn...

  • The 5 Most important ELDOA - 13 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this quick workout you'll find the MOST IMPORTANT ELDOA for the spine!
    This is a great class for back pain prevention and for wellness!
    I personally do this at the end of most of my workouts 😉

  • Legs up! - 23 min

    Legs up!
    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    In this class we get ready for L5-S1. We’ll warm up, stretch, and get our lumbar spine ready to execute L5-S1! It’s a great workout when you have tension at the lumbar spine and need some extra help! Relatively easy, quick and efficient to bring you back to life when...