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Watch this video and more on FEET-NESS Membership

Headaches & Concussions - 34 min



  • Scapula Protocol - 42 min

    Level 2, Pace: Moderate
    This workout will blow your mind because it’s powerful and incredibly effective for anything scapulae/neck and ribcage related. You’ll learn new ways to create/maintain movement at the joints and strengthen the many muscles around it!
    You will love it! I promise. Let me kn...

  • The 5 Most important ELDOA - 13 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this quick workout you'll find the MOST IMPORTANT ELDOA for the spine!
    This is a great class for back pain prevention and for wellness!
    I personally do this at the end of most of my workouts 😉

  • Legs up! - 23 min

    Legs up!
    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    In this class we get ready for L5-S1. We’ll warm up, stretch, and get our lumbar spine ready to execute L5-S1! It’s a great workout when you have tension at the lumbar spine and need some extra help! Relatively easy, quick and efficient to bring you back to life when...