The most popular collection. Here you will find the videos that you will do the most: a complete full body workout staying below the hour mark.

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  • Pilates Weekly - Tuesday (Rescue LOOP)

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    From shake foot to a rejuvenating roll over and lots of Rescue LOOP, footwork, hip and shoulder connection... The combination of the double straight leg, the obliques and the side-kicks is worth the whole workout!

  • Balance - 20 min

    Level 1 Pace: slow
    In this workout we’ll use the chair to sit on while we work on the feet and to hold on to it while we work on strengthening the pelvis and improving our balance. This class can be adapted for a wide range of levels, and it presents important ideas to work on balance with differ...

  • The Standing Mat - 22 min

    Level 3 - Pace: moderate
    In this mat we’ll hit the floor only a couple of times to roll on the spine! In every other exercise we’ll be standing or against a wall. It’s interesting how the exercises will change very much, and the challenge will shift from what we are used to! Perfect postural work...

  • Pump it up #3 - 30 min

    Pump it Up #3
    Level 2 – Pace: Moderate
    Execute this class after “Pump it Up #1 and #2”. In this class we’ll work with the external rotators, internal rotators, the glute medius, glute max, psoas and abs. Now you know the entire sequence of the circulatory gymnastics and your next step is to execu...

  • Pump it up #2 - 29 min

    Pump it Up #2
    Level 2 – Pace: Moderate
    Execute this class after “Pump it Up #1”. In this class we’ll work with the hamstrings the quads and the adductors group. Stay tuned for #3 to learn the whole program and complete the circulatory gymnastics!

  • Pump it Up #1 - 27 min

    Pump it Up #1
    Level 2 – Pace: Moderate
    This is the first video of the Circulatory Gymnastics. Stimulating the blood return is very important for varicose veins, post-delivery and it’s also a GREAT lower body workout!
    In this first class we’ll work on the feet and legs. Stay tuned for #2 and #3 to...

  • Legs up! - 23 min

    Legs up!
    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    In this class we get ready for L5-S1. We’ll warm up, stretch, and get our lumbar spine ready to execute L5-S1! It’s a great workout when you have tension at the lumbar spine and need some extra help! Relatively easy, quick and efficient to bring you back to life when...

  • Hip flexors and lumbar spine - 39 min

    Pilates & ELDOA: Hip flexors and lumbar spine
    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    We'll follow the sequence of an intermediate Pilates Mat and we'll add exercises like the detorsion of the fascia iliaca, some GPS, some ELDOA and some myofascial stretches to fully release the tension at the lumbar spine and ...

  • Pilates + Falciform & Neck ELDOA - 41 min

    Pilates + Falciform & Neck ELDOA
    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    In this class we’ll prepare the shoulder girdle and the neck with some powerful GPS. The mat work will feel light and easy on the upper body because of the great release.
    We’ll finish with some cervical ELDOA at the end! You will feel like...

  • Intro to ELDOA #6 - 16 min

    INTRO to ELDOA: Review!
    Open level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #6 we’ll execute the most important ELDOA: the ones that everybody needs and that are beneficial for multiple issues/discomfort that the body might have.

  • Ribcage Melt - 36 min

    Ribcage Melt
    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    You’ll feel like new! Lots of General Postural Stretching in this video to find more space and motion in anything we do ribcage related! Intercostals MFS, ribcage GPS and lots of good ELDOA!

  • Pilates & feet - 25 min

    Level 2 - Pace: fast
    We love the feet, and we love to combine the footwork to a nicely paced Pilates Mat! Lots of flex and point combined with different leg movements so that we can connect the work with the pelvis and the body above! The essence of FEET-NESS

  • Pelvis & Lumbar Spine - 43 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    The lower back and the pelvis are often the areas of the body where we accumulate tension because of our posture or position during the day: If we sit too much great tension is accumulated in front of the hips and same if we stand incorrectly! This workout includes a warm...

  • JUST FEET - 38 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    In this workout session we’ll go from releasing the tension to strengthening certain parts of the feet. Once warmed up we’ll also work on fun coordination drills that we’ll make our feet smarter and more dexterous! We’ll use a towel and Rescue LOOP and of course our powerful ...

  • Intro to ELDOA #5 - 26 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    MFS – lumbar and coxo fem ELDOA
    In class #5 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on the lumbar spine and the hip joint. The coxo-femoral ELDOA is a very effective exercise to prevent hip replacement.

  • Intro to ELDOA #4: neck & shoulders - 18 min

    INTRO to ELDOA: Neck and shoulders
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #4 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on the neck and shoulder area of the body.

  • Pilates & Tone - 37 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this beginner Pilates class, we’ll add some reinforcement drills to make sure that even those who are a novice to the Pilates practice can get a strong and challenging workout! If you are new to Pilates and have a healthy and strong body, this is the perfect class to g...

  • Intro to ELDOA #3: T-spine - 24min

    INTRO to ELDOA: T spine ELDOA & axial extension
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #3 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on the thoracic spine and explain the important concept of axial extension.

  • Shoulder & Neck - 38 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Shoulders and neck are very much connected and sometimes we need to think about that when we are trying to fix aches and pains on either one or the other. Specific myo-fascial stretching and ELDOA will help us release the tension and find a better alignment.

  • Intro to ELDOA #2: Lumbar & Cervical - 26 min

    INTRO to ELDOA: Lumbar & Cervical
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In class #2 we’ll review the basic rules and focus on some ELDOA of the lumbar spine. We’ll also introduce the concept-ELDOA of the cervical spine.

  • Red Carpet Mat - 29 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Fast
    This is a little “untraditional” Pilates mat: we’ll work deep on the powerhouse and the posterior chain. The opening of the chest will always be a main focus when we are talking “red carpet”. But also glutes, abs and posterior chain play a very important role when we are work...

  • At the Wall 41 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Demanding, intense, challenging, strong but feels amazing!
    After the challenge of maintaining a “real” axial extension by gluing our backs to the wall almost the whole time you’ll feel how powerful it is to hold the same position when away from the wall. It’s a boost to p...

  • INTRO to ELDOA #1 - 23 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    In this first ELDOA class we’ll explore the “how and the why” we position the limbs in certain ways. This is one important aspect of the whole ELDOA method. Once you learn these basic rules, you’ll be able to adapt them to any ELDOA posture or Myofascial stretching.

  • Powerhouse #4 - 22 min

    Execute this workout after PH #3.
    This fourth workout starts transitioning the students to strong beginner/intermediate work. This workout is part of a bundle and wants to help students new to Pilates learn the basic fundamentals of the work in a clean manner so that they can then progress the wo...