When you have very little time but you don't want to give up to your workout. Sometimes one hour to dedicate to your workout is a luxury, these shorter workouts have the purpose to get you moving in less than 15 minutes so that you can feel better, energized and ready to kill the day!

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  • Horseback

    In this video, Ilaria takes a deep dive into the horseback, a challenging and demanding exercise that requires control, strength, and precision. We’ll explore three variations to help you build up to the full movement:

    1. A beginner-friendly version – a great way to introduce the exercise to cl...

  • Sciatic GDN

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Join Ilaria as she explores an unconventional GDN exercise for sciatic relief. This approach is not for the acute phase of sciatic inflammation but serves as a gradual progression for the later stages of recovery. Designed to ease discomfort and test mobility, this exercis...

  • A CLOSER LOOK: the Short Spine

    Take a closer look at the Short Spine exercise with Ilaria, exploring ways to adapt it for different levels. Whether you're a beginner needing a more accessible approach or an advanced practitioner seeking an extra challenge, Ilaria provides guidance to tailor this exercise to your unique needs. ...

  • 4 Easy, Clean & tasty Toppings

    4 Easy, Clean & tasty Toppings

  • CLOSER LOOK: Obturator Internus

    CLOSER LOOK: Obturator Internus
    In this video, we'll explore a myo-fascial stretching technique for the obturator internus, focusing on modifications to protect your knee. I'll guide you through each step, ensuring that you can effectively stretch the muscle while maintaining knee alignment and s...

  • Strong Toes don't Fall

    Open Level
    Do you know that strengthening your toes prevents falls? In this video we'll see how we can do that with simple but targeted exercises that you can incorporate in your own workout routine.

  • Double Trouble: Magic Circle & Rescue LOOP

    Level 2-3 - Pace: Moderate
    This is a one of a kind Pilates Mat workout! See if you can juggle not just one tool but two! The Magic Circle will help us go deep in the core and the Rescue LOOP will help us stabilize the hip and connect the ankle/foot complex to the body above! Enjoy!

  • Toes and aches

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Enjoy this very quick and to the point workout where we get to stimulate the toes and lift the aches!

  • A Closer LOOK: General ELDOA

    Level 2
    This is one of the hardest ELDOA from a coordination perspective! It’s the only ELDOA that moves…. Follow this tutorial to review the factors of progression and the full execution!

  • The hamstrings DO NOT exist

    Levle 2
    The hamstrings DO NOT exist because we need to address them individually and not as a complex.
    This is a focused tutorial/class that will allow us to be specific on the reinforcement and stretch of all different hamstrings: Bicep femoris with its two heads, Semitendinosus and Semimembran...

  • Wunda Chair low back

    Level 2 - Pace: moderate
    In this workout we’ll focus on all those exercises that help create strength, flexibility and SPACE in the low back!
    The push down, the pull up, spine stretch forward, horseback and many other exercises will help us going deep into the log C-curve to fine the strength fro...

  • Leg Circles

    Open Level
    This is a very challenging exercise although it's included in the beginner sequence.
    Difficult to execute correctly when the range of motion is limited by tight hamstrings but also because of the difficulty to stabilize the rest of the body while the leg is moving. I'll give you a cou...

  • Detorsion of the Fascia Iliaca

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Dive into the intricate web of the ilio-psoas fascia, a crucial component intertwining with various joints within the limbo-pelvic complex and the abdominal cavity's internal organs. Discover how disruptions in this fascia can reverberate across the body, affecting numerou...

  • Stirrup Muscles with Rescue LOOP

    Open Level - Pace: moderate
    Join us for a focused workout session using the Rescue LOOP to target key stirrup muscles— anterior tibialis, posterior tibialis, and fibularis longus.
    Strengthening these muscles improves foot stability, corrects pronation and supination imbalances, and enhances over...

  • Inside FEET-NESS Membership

    This quick video will help you take full advantage of FEET-NESS Membership.
    Learn how to navigate between the many categories, your started videos and your go to workouts!

  • Pelvis Warm up

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for the pelvis. We’ll warm up all the joints of the body but the pelvis more in depth

  • A Closer Look: Spine Stretch Forward

    Open level
    The Spine Stretch Forward is a beginner exercise but also very difficult to execute correctly,
    According to the body type you might have different challenges. We want to elongate the whole posterior chain as the anterior musculature (mostly the abs) support the movement and the positi...

  • Asian-Inspired Recipes

    Asian-Inspired Recipes - Ashelii Rabelo founder of HKHL

  • A closer look: T8-T9

    T8-T9 is probably THE hardest ELDOA of the spine. It's also such an important link that almost everyone needs this ELDOA. watch this video to see how you can build up to 1 minute and be inspired by some factors of progressions that can be helpful to you or your clients.

  • Double leg bent

    The "double leg bent stretch" is the second exercise of the abdominal series in Pilates. It's such a complete exercise and although it's in the beginner sequence, it's not easy when properly executed! In it you can find the strength, length and control!

  • Warm up for the neck and shoulders

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for the neck and shoulders. We’ll warm up all the joints of the body but the neck and shoulders more in depth.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation Hacks

    Blood Sugar Regulation Hacks - Ashelii Rabelo founder of HKHL

  • A closer look - Single bent leg

    Single Leg Bent - The first exercise of the Pilates abdominal series.
    As usual in "a Closer LOOK" we’ll go over a few important points for each exercise, a few factors of progressions or things to pay attention to and then we’ll go for it!
    Great for teachers and for clients who wants to double ch...

  • A closer look T6

    T6-T7 is a very important link for the ribcage and for a forward neck posture as well.
    As usual in "a Closer LOOK" we’ll go over a few important points for each exercise, a few factors of progressions or things to pay attention to and then we’ll go for it!
    Great for teachers and for clients who w...