The most popular collection. Here you will find the videos that you will do the most: a complete full body workout staying below the hour mark.

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  • Osteoporosis L3 - 20 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Osteoporosis doesn’t mean we should be working out at a basic level. This is a more advanced workout for who is dealing with osteopenia and osteoporosis. Workout hard with no flexion or rotation to protect your spine and maintain your bones strong and safe.

  • The Diaphragm 101 - 26 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Learn some important exercises and stretches to properly move and release the most important muscle that we have in the body: The diaphragm!

  • Stabilize your Shoulder - 26 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    Are your shoulders hypermobile, weak or unstable? This is a great routine of exercises that you can do in the very beginning of the process and that you can also do later on making sure you increase reps, sets and weight.
    Shoulder de-coaptation, segmental reinforcement of ...

  • Mat with Ankle Weights - 40 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Great challenge to add to our intermediate/advanced mat! Deepen into the work of the powerhouse by adding 1 or 2 lbs. to your ankles.

  • Thoracic ELDOA & Breathing - 35 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this intense class with a lot of release for the low T-spine and high lumbar spine. In this class we’ll start tapping into the movement in that area and all the important connections with the diaphragm. Decrease your stress level, learn how to breath, improve your s...

  • Fun Mat L3 - 18 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Fast
    This is a moving and fast paced mat! The exercises are mostly intermediate, but their variations and pace make them more advanced. Move through it safely with control and have fun!

  • Ankle Sprain from the ground up! - 20 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Have you ever sprained your ankle? Did you do a proper rehab? If you didn’t that’s why your ankle sprains are recurring over and over. Our body is very much connected, and we can’t stop at the ankle for a good rehab, we need to go a little higher up! Check out the Guide for A...

  • Lifting the Arch L1 - 6 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    The foot has a CORE, and we need to make it as strong as our abs. The vault of the foot sometimes collapses and puts our whole body in danger of compensation. With this quick sequence you’ll give the foot a boost of activation in just 6 min!

  • Pilates Mat w/Towel - 28 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    This is an intermediate/advanced mat that moves at a fast pace and is characterized by advanced variations of the exercises. Make sure to leave things out if they don’t suit your body. We’ll use the towel to support and challenge. Most importantly, by pulling the towel lo...

  • Anti-Gravity ELDOA - 40 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    ELDOA has the characteristics to defy gravity but when you deal with a curvature in the spine (scoliosis) the anti-gravity component is even more important. ELDOA is great for different purposes and it’s very helpful with cases of scoliosis
    Warm up, L1-L2, T11-T12,T12-L1...

  • From the ground up - 27 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This class starts with a deep and thorough foot warm up, barefoot first and with Rescue LOOP next. The following segmental strengthening workout takes care of all of the most important postural muscles: glutes, abs, serratus, rhomboids and some stretching to end this quic...

  • Tone & Squat - 24 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this workout alternating segmental reinforcement and body weight squats. Glutes, abs, and of course, feet and balance to set up strong foundations and proper alignment. A few stretches at the end.

  • Spinal Articulation - 25 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    The spine is divided into 33 segments, 24 of which are mobile. The function of every joint in the body is to be able to move. Spinal articulation, the sequential movement of all the joints in the spine, is important for wellness for any sport activity and to prevent injuri...

  • Pilates Mat L1 - 17 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
    Perfect for the Pilates newbies. Quick, simple but very effective for the body. Make sure you bring this feeling with you throughout the day… Find Pilates in everyday life activity: when you “roll up” in the morning, when you “stretch forward” to grab something and so on ...

  • Plantar Fasciitis - 22 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Plantar Fasciitis is a very common and painful condition. It affects runners the most but can also occur when we walk on a hard surface, when we wear tight shoes, high heels and so on. Stretching is important but to be effective we need to address the whole leg and foot. We a...

  • Int Mat with Magic Circle - 19 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This intermediate mat is focusing on the work of the inner thighs and the midline of the body. The magic circle is mostly used inside the legs to trigger that deep activation all the way up to the pelvic floor.

  • Building the Plank - 20 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    When something is hard, break it down, deconstruct it, pull it apart and all of a sudden you realize that you can do already so much (so many components) of what that exercise is made of. The plank is a full body exercise and its very beneficial to everyone to maintain and...

  • Segmental Glutes Reinforcement - 33 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Fast
    With these variations of the hip extensions, we’ll work segmentally on different parts of the glutes. For glute max deep we’ll “slice” the muscle in 4 different parts and work independently with all of them so that we have the chance to efficiently work on those areas that ar...

  • Reformer Mat (L1) - 16 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
    When you don’t have the apparatus and you are missing the reformer… the reformer mat is a wonderful compromise: It’s very challenging, gives you something different than the usual mat and you can do it anywhere you are!
    It’s usually feared and left for advanced students, ...

  • Plank Mat - 29 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Fast
    This a fun and challenging Mat sequence where we refer back to the plank in different parts of it and also in different positions in place. Intense, it requires a good level of strength and some flexibility. Great when you are missing the reformer.
    You can use a towel or the ...

  • The Power of Awareness - 30 min

    Open Level - Pace: Slow
    No movement session, sport activity or class will be beneficial and efficient without developing awareness for the movements. Awareness is the picture in your brain of your body in space. It’s like a hidden mirror: the clearer and more realistic that image is the more dema...

  • MFS for too much sitting - 21 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Exactly, we all sit TOO much! Everyone. So… from now on we should put a little alarm clock every couple of hours and move! On a longer break do this quick session and your hip flexors and hunched back will thank you!

  • Rescue LOOP in Arms - 20 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Yes! You read it correctly! Rescue LOOP was created for the feet and to connect their positions to the legs and pelvis but… it can be very useful also placed around the hands or thumbs. In this intermediate mat we’ll play with different ways of utilizing the LOOP to conne...

  • Stay Away from the Hip Flexors Mat - 21 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Our lifestyle often has us deal with tight and sensitive hip flexors. The ilio-psoas is a very complicated/sophisticated muscle, its fascia is in contact with the femur (leg) the ilium (hip), the spine (vertebral body, transverse process and disc) and with all the organs ...