+ 45 MIN

+ 45 MIN

When you have close to a full hour or more, this is the collection to click! Longer workouts to take care in depth of everything you need.

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+ 45 MIN
  • Monthly Call April 2023

    Review regarding the circulatory exercises.

  • MEETING MELT zoom live

    Join Hallee Altman in this amazing zoom live class that will MELT your body

  • January 2023 meeting

    Interesting questions from our Members. If you couldn't attend live you can go back to the recording and catch up with what we addressed.
    I can't thank enough everyone that participates live and everyone who sends the questions in!

  • December Meeting

    Interesting questions from our Members. If you couldn't attend live you can go back to the recording and catch up with what we addressed.
    I can't thank enough everyone that participates live and everyone who sends the questions in!

  • November 22 Webinar

    Interesting questions from our Members. Finally catching up on the topics of the last few months

  • Meeting Hallee

    In this Webinar Hallee help us getting started with the program: Meeting MELT

    Whether you are new to The MELT Method, or have experience with connective tissue self-treatment techniques, this 8 week program will transform your thinking and execution of Pilates Mat work.  The first four weeks int...

  • Jill Hinson & the Core Compassion Project

    Jill Hinson, NCPT, is Executive Director and founder of Core Compassion Project®. She is a fully certified STOTT PILATES® instructor and is proud of her work as a Cancer Exercise Specialist. Jill’s passion for helping fight the side effects of cancer through Pilates was the driving force in estab...

  • Monthly Meeting August

    The ribcage is such an important part of our anatomy and it's so fundamental to include these exercises in our goal to give freedom and balance to the body. Do the workout "Ribcage Melt" and listen to the webinar for a more complete experience.

  • Monthly Meeting July

    Lots of questions about the feet and how to get them healthier and stronger!

  • June Monthly Call

    Hip Replacement, fascia and foot health questions.

  • Live Yoga Talita

    An amazing Yoga flow with Talita Moss

  • May Monthly Call

    Wonderful meeting! Lots of questions, answers and updates!

  • Preventing Hip Replacement - 1h

    Level 3 - Pace Moderate
    All that you need to do to get your hips strong and prevent hip replacement. Proprioception, reinforcement, MFS, GPS and of course ELDOA! We need to stop the process of osteoarthritis as soon as possible in the joint by creating space! Beyond the important goal of this wor...

  • April Monthly Call

    Discover ELDOA and learn about the method to get the most out of the ELDOA classes!

    Link for the pelvis: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GBZKL65/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_7?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

  • Intro al metodo ELDOA

    Questo webinar vuole aiutare chi non ha mai fatto ELDOA e vuole avere alcune nozioni per capire meglio le classi.

  • Journey Thru Yoga - Webinar

    Talita Moss introduces us to her program "Journey Thru Yoga"

  • Journey Thru Yoga: Class inspired by Water

    Vinyasa style class with Sun Salutations and flows. A well-rounded, fluid practice inspired by Water, with introductory and standing balancing poses, including Bridge, Boat, Half-Moon, Tree, Warrior III, Camel, and Happy Baby. Suggested props: 2 yoga blocks and padding for knees as needed.

  • Journey Thru Yoga: Class inspired by Air

    A challenging class with modifications offered so that you can feel supported and successful in this exploration of more advanced asanas (poses). Inspired by Air, focus on arm balances that challenge you to find equilibrium between effort and ease. Prepare to take flight in Crow, Side-Crow, Sage ...

  • Journey Thru Yoga: Class inspire by the Heart

    Open your anatomical and metaphysical Heart with backbends, binds and shoulder stretches. Focus on the chest with Reverse Table, Sphinx, Locust, Reverse Plank, Wild Thing and Bow pose. Bind with Gomukhasana, Lunge, Humble Warrior, Side-Angle, Locust. Suggested props: 2 yoga blocks, a yoga strap o...

  • Journey Thru Yoga: Class inspired by Fire

    Ignite transformation and invite release of the old to make space for the new in this practice inspired by Fire, with focus on twists. Warm up your spine and your pelvis and dive into Hero, Seated Twist, Twisted Lunge, Twisted Triangle, Twisted Half-Moon, Twisted Chair and Supine Twist. Suggeste...

  • Journey Thru Yoga: Class Inspired by Earth

    A grounding practice with hip and shoulder focus, inspired by the Earth element. Move through Sun Salutations, Standing Split, Eagle, Dancer, Goddess, Lizard, Side-Plank, and explore deeper progressions with Twisted Lizard, Sugarcane pose (Half-Moon with a Bind) and Partridge (Side Plank with a B...

  • De-Stress with Your Breath

    De-Stress with your Breath is a workshop that everyone needs: learn how to regulate your nervous system and manage stress with a few simple and accessible exercises.
    Instructor: Tara Bianca

  • January Monthy Call

    "Winter Sports" is the theme of the month. More questions are answered in the call.

  • Challenge your FASCIA - 51 min

    Level 3 - Pace: fast
    A moving and quick paced workout that will challenge and pamper your fascia at the same time! The most important myofascial stretching and ELDOA to feel lighter taller and energetic!