When you are looking for a complete workout where the whole body is involved.

  • Mix it Up

    Level 3 - Pace: Sustained
    In this class we’ll be moving at a sustained pace: lots of segmental reinforcement exercises followed by many myo-fascial stretches!
    Abs, rhomboids, push ups, serratus, glute medius, planks… followed by MFS: obturator, quadrates, G max, bicep femoris, g medius, rect fem,...

  • Butt Abs and Wall Sits

    Level 2
    Enjoy this circuit work that includes glutes, abs and wall sits. A great lower body workout that goes from simple to challenging by shifting to single leg work!

  • Fit at the desk - 34 min

    Level 2
    Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. Sitting at a desk is “bad” for many different reasons and it mostly affects the hips, the back, the shoulders and the neck!

    The workout class will provide everyone with a great full body workout that w...

  • Warm up for the Ribcage - 12 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for the ribcage. We’ll warm up all the joints of the body but the ribcage more in depth.

  • Warm up for the Squat - 10 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for a squat workout! The many joints of the ankles, knees, pelvis and back need to be “oiled” and prepared for the demanding global movement of the squat to make sure we don’t run into injuries. You can do that in 10 super efficient minutes 😉

  • MASHUP - Deepening Rotation

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll focus on rotation. We’ll start mobilizing the big toe and the hips. Next we’ll reinforce the obliques and the transverso-spinalis. Towards the end we’ll focus on the block from T6 to T9 with spinal ELDOA and Rib ELDOA to finally “melt” with the ne...

  • MASHUP - Neck & Shoulder #2

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we continue the work we started in “Neck & Shoulder #1” with the scapula movement, the clavicle palpation/assessment and we’ll add the reinforcement of many muscles that move the scapula and the shoulders. At the end we’ll cool down with MFS and Cervica...

  • MASHUP - Neck & Shoulder #1

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll focus on the neck, the clavicle and the scapula. Palpation will help get more tuned in with that area of the body to then focus on the mobility and the full range of motion. This is the first of a 2 class bundle.
    Q&A at the end!

  • MASHUP - Gravity Line #2

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll start at the feet and go up until the neck: toe extensors, tibias anterior, glute max deep and superficial, lower abs, rhomboids, neck reinforcement and lots of awareness cues!
    Q&A at the end!

  • MASHUP - Gravity Line #1

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this live class we’ll utilize different techniques to work on improving our gravity line: segmental reinforcement, myo-fascial stretching and mostly ELDOA.
    From the feet to the neck we’ll teach the body to stand taller and with less effort! This is the first of a 2 cla...

  • MASHUP - Foot Focus & Connections

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Recorded live zoom class.
    This is the perfect example of what we mean with “From the ground up”. We’ll start at the feet, taking care of over-pronation and we’ll go up the chain to work with the gluteus max superficial, gluteus medius and the adductors!
    Q&A at the end!

  • The Squat Journey #5 - 21 min

    Squat Journey #5
    Level 3. Pace: Moderate
    In this 5th class we’ll start timing the different components of the squat. Not easy but repetition will help!

  • Squat Journey #4 - 34 min

    Levle 2. Pace: Moderate
    In this 4th class we’ll get to a more advanced level of coordination: we’ll always maintain 3 components (retroversion, axial extension and glutes) and we’ll add everything else 😉
    The SQUAT is an amazing tool! It’s a full body workout that focuses on alignment and improves...

  • Squat Journey #3 - 31 min

    Squat Journey #3
    Levle 2. Pace: Moderate
    The SQUAT is an amazing tool! It’s a full body workout that focuses on alignment and improves our posture and gravity line!
    Oftentimes we are a little scared by the complexity of it or we hear stories of people hurting themselves by executing it poorly and...

  • MEETING MELT zoom live

    Join Hallee Altman in this amazing zoom live class that will MELT your body

  • Squat Journey #2 - 27 min

    Levle 2. Pace: Moderate
    The SQUAT is an amazing tool! It’s a full body workout that focuses on alignment and improves our posture and gravity line!
    Oftentimes we are a little scared by the complexity of it or we hear stories of people hurting themselves by executing it poorly and incorrectly!

  • SQUAT journey #1 - 21 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    The SQUAT is an amazing tool! It’s a full body workout that focuses on alignment and improves our posture and gravity line!
    Oftentimes we are a little scared by the complexity of it or we hear stories of people hurting themselves by executing it poorly and incorrectly!

  • Ribcage Melt - 36 min

    Ribcage Melt
    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    You’ll feel like new! Lots of General Postural Stretching in this video to find more space and motion in anything we do ribcage related! Intercostals MFS, ribcage GPS and lots of good ELDOA!

  • Push Up handles #3 - 3 min

    Push Up handles #3
    Level: 3 - Pace: Moderate
    This is a more advanced move to practice after Push up handles #1 and #2.

  • Push Up handles #2 - 5 min

    Push Up handles #2
    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    In this second workout we take advantage of the raise that the push up handles give to challenge the body to more advanced moves.

  • Red Carpet Mat - 29 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Fast
    This is a little “untraditional” Pilates mat: we’ll work deep on the powerhouse and the posterior chain. The opening of the chest will always be a main focus when we are talking “red carpet”. But also glutes, abs and posterior chain play a very important role when we are work...

  • Intro to Head Stands - 13 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    The headstands fascinate almost every mover! It’s so magic to be able to control the body when we are upside down. It’s also very beneficial for the blood flow and exhilarating for the mind. Follow me in this workout that prepares you to control your body in the headstand pos...

  • Holiday Class - 2021 - 1hour 8 min

    This is a fun way to say goodbye to 2021 and thank you to all of you FEET-NESS Members!
    We start with a standing osteo-articular warm up, followed by a Pilates Mat, squats, Myo-fascial stretching and ELDOA!
    Happy Holidays!

  • Burpee 101 - 39 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Fast
    The burpee can be intimidating but in this video we break down the work and we prepare the body in all different aspects of the movement! You will get to execute the burpee at the end of the video and it will feel easier than you ever thought possible.