The most popular collection. Here you will find the videos that you will do the most: a complete full body workout staying below the hour mark.

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  • Roll Back Bar

    Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
    Join Ilaria for a full-body workout using only the rollback bar—no push-through bar, no springs, just one simple tool used in creative and effective ways. While this session engages the entire body, you’ll quickly notice a major focus on the forearms and grip strength, ma...

  • Forearms Mat with Danielle

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Join Ilaria and her friend Danielle O’Connell for a mat workout that enhances the connection between the forearms, wrists, and shoulders. This session focuses on building awareness of upper body alignment and strength, emphasizing how the position of the hands and wrists is d...

  • Keep it flat

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this workout, we’ll explore how to strengthen the core while keeping the spine neutral—perfect for times when rounding or arching the back might be painful. Whether you’re dealing with inflammation, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to build awareness of spi...

  • Leg springs!

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This workout focuses on the power of progression! Begin and end with leg springs, gradually building strength, control, and stability throughout the session. Designed to challenge and elevate your practice, this routine requires patience and determination as you work towa...

  • Factors of Progressions

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    This is a classical example of how we can build an ELDOA class without doing any ELDOA postures. Try this workout to feel first hand the power of the factors of progressions!
    Down the road they help you build a better posture, it's easier to adapt the posture to the indiv...

  • GDN for the Trunk and Pelvis

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    In this class we’ll explore Global Dynamic Normalization (GDN) exercises for the trunk and pelvis. GDN is a global movement practice designed to promote fluid dynamics within the body by “moving the water.” Unlike ELDOA, myofascial stretching, or reinforcement techniques, GDN...

  • Lower Limbs GDN

    Level 2- Pace: Slow
    In this class we’re diving into Global Dynamic Normalization (GDN) exercises for the lower limbs. GDN is a unique approach that focuses on improving the movement of fluids in the body—particularly water—rather than targeting reinforcement, myofascial stretching, or general pos...

  • Ribcage Mat - 33 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Join Ilaria Cavagna and guest Laura for an intermediate mat workout that centers on the ribcage.
    In this session, we’ll explore exercises to warm up and release tension around the ribcage, helping you become more aware of its position and movement potential. With a mindf...

  • Neck Health - 16 min

    Level 3 - Pace: Slow
    In this video, we're diving into an essential area for both you and your clients—the neck. The “text neck” phenomenon is real and addressing it can make a big difference in how we move and feel. Our approach this month focuses on strengthening the neck extensors and flexors,...

  • Free Your Hips

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    In this video, we're going to free up our hips! After a quick warm-up, we'll dive into specific proprioception exercises that target the main ligaments of the coxo-femoral joint. We'll then explore techniques like GPS and GDN, finishing with two powerful coxo-femoral ELDO...

  • Push your limits Reformer

    Level 3 - Pace: Fast
    In this video, we'll take on an intermediate Reformer workout, but we're turning up the intensity! We'll make it challenging by progressing certain exercises and experimenting with different spring settings. Let's squeeze the juice out of this session and push your limits!

  • Unwind your spine

    Level 3 - Pace: moderate
    In this video, we take a general approach to addressing scoliosis, recognizing that everyone's curves are unique. We'll focus on GPS and GDN exercises to de-rotate the spine, adding length and strength. We'll finish with ELDOA techniques that will leave you feeling tall a...

  • Bursitis Greater Trochanter

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    This is such a painful and debilitating condition. As soon as you are diagnosed you need to take all the precautions to make sure the inflammation subsides as fast as possible.
    Look at the video for guidance but always remember that you need to respect where your body is at ...

  • REFORMER - Progressions to extensions

    In this reformer we’ll use the long box to PROGRESS to EXTENSIONS! The box gives us the support to lengthen while lifting so that we can progress to extension in a safe and successful way!

  • Butt Abs and Wall Sits

    Level 2 - Pace Moderate
    Enjoy this circuit work that includes glutes, abs and wall sits. A great lower body workout that goes from simple to challenging by shifting to single leg work!


    Level 2
    Have fun playing with your feet and witnessing how the placement of your foundations can deeply affect the work on the body above!
    We’ll play with the foot-bar, the blocks, the straps and the carriage of the reformer itself!

  • Glutes and feet

    Glutes and Feet
    Glutes and feet are far away but they affect one another very much! Mostly when we think at the gluteus maximum superficial we can appreciate the reciprocity of these two parts of the body. We work different fibers of G max deep and superficial and then we’ll dive into the feet fo...

  • Upper Body & Spine Class

    Upper Body & Spine Class
    Program by Anita Naegeli.
    Length: 50 Minutes
    Props Used: Yoga Block, Hand Towel

    The wrists, spine, and shoulders are the focus of this class. All three areas are targeted individually with specific stretching procedures that improve the range of motion and create stre...

  • Lower Body Class with Squat Focus

    Lower Body Class with Squat Focus
    Program by Anita Naegeli
    Length: 45 Minutes
    Props Used: 2 Yoga Blocks, Hand Towel

    The focus of this class is on the lower body. More specifically, the squat is used as an example of how you can improve a movement pattern by assessing the individual joints and t...

  • Full Body CARs Routine

    Full Body CARs Routine
    Program by Anita Naegeli
    Length: 35 Minutes
    Props Used: Yoga Block, Hand Towel, Small Ball (something similar to a Tennis or Lacrosse Ball)
    In this class, Anita leads you through a Full Body CARs Sequence. “CARs” is an acronym that stands for Controlled Articular Rotations....

  • Beginner Mat with Towel - 19 min

    Level 1 - Pace: Moderate
    Enjoy this quick beginner Mat with Towel. It’s a fun workout even for intermediate and advanced students! The towel helps us get better spinal articulation and also helps us connect the arms to the power house! Let’s find the core and deepen our work thanks to the help of...

  • "Assisted" Mat

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Embark on an empowering journey with Brooke and me as we navigate an Intermediate Assisted Mat session.
    Through strategic support and stability enhancements, we aim to elevate the challenge while ensuring accessibility.
    Join us as we blend strength, flexibility, and sta...

  • Quadrant of Richet & the Piriformis

    Level 3 - Pace: Slow
    Unlocking the Richet Quadrant and Liberating the Piriformis:
    Delve into the intricate realm of the pelvis as we target the Richet Quadrant and the elusive piriformis muscle. Through specialized ELDOA techniques, we aim to create space around this vital area, providing relief ...

  • Table Top & TVA

    Table Top & TVA
    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    The table top position will be our home base! Articulation, serratus reinforcement, planks and transversus abdomini (TVA) !
    You’ll feel the burn in the upper body and in the deepest work of the abdominal muscles!