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May Monthly Call
+ 45 MIN
1h 9m
Wonderful meeting! Lots of questions, answers and updates!
Up Next in + 45 MIN
Preventing Hip Replacement - 1h
Level 3 - Pace Moderate
All that you need to do to get your hips strong and prevent hip replacement. Proprioception, reinforcement, MFS, GPS and of course ELDOA! We need to stop the process of osteoarthritis as soon as possible in the joint by creating space! Beyond the important goal of this wor... -
April Monthly Call
Discover ELDOA and learn about the method to get the most out of the ELDOA classes!
Link for the pelvis:
Intro al metodo ELDOA
Questo webinar vuole aiutare chi non ha mai fatto ELDOA e vuole avere alcune nozioni per capire meglio le classi.