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BETWEEN 15 & 45 MIN • 29m

Up Next in BETWEEN 15 & 45 MIN

  • Wunda Mat - 18 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    There are so many ways to recreate the mat on the winds chair! This time we’ll stay on top of it most if the time and we’ll use 1 spring in the middle!
    Quick and effective workout when you have little time and you want to mix it up!

  • Fit at the desk - 34 min

    Level 2
    Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. Sitting at a desk is “bad” for many different reasons and it mostly affects the hips, the back, the shoulders and the neck!

    The workout class will provide everyone with a great full body workout that w...

  • Butt Lift - 31 min

    Level 2
    This intermediate Mat workout will get you burning!
    Gluteus max deep, superficial and Gluteus medius will be the targeted areas of this full body workout.
    We’ll use a magic circle to add more fire!!!