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Warm up for the Ribcage - 12 min

UNDER 15 MIN • 11m

Up Next in UNDER 15 MIN


    Level 2 - Pace: Slow
    Do you have 5 minutes to asses and fix your pelvis? Do this workout before you get on the Mat or the Reformer! It wakes up the pelvis and makes you more aware 😉

  • Warm up for ELDOA 12min

    Warm up for ELDOA
    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for an ELDOA workout: no high impact (jumps) and no pure rotational movements so that we’ll keep as much space as possible in between the vertebrae also during the warm up! All the joints of the body are taken care of but t...

  • ELDOA brings me back to life - 11min

    Level 1: Pace Moderate
    This workout saves me when I have no time and my body needs a quick “pick me up”. 5 exercises that are so important for everyBODY: general ELDOA, T6-T7, L4-L5, Cervical Flow and the ileopsoas myo-fascial stretching! You will love it too 😉