Mix it Up
Level 3 - Pace: Sustained
In this class we’ll be moving at a sustained pace: lots of segmental reinforcement exercises followed by many myo-fascial stretches!
Abs, rhomboids, push ups, serratus, glute medius, planks… followed by MFS: obturator, quadrates, G max, bicep femoris, g medius, rect fem, psoas, longus and intercostals and supra-costalis. To finish with a relaxing GPS in negative torsion.
Toes and aches
Level 1 - Pace: Slow
Enjoy this very quick and to the point workout where we get to stimulate the toes and lift the aches! -
Pelvic Floor Awareness
Reinforcement and stretching for the pelvic floor are two important aspects of the work but the coordination of the work of the pelvic floor with other key muscles like adductors, glutes, diaphragm and transverses abdomini is even more important.
REFORMER - Progressions to extensions
In this reformer we’ll use the long box to PROGRESS to EXTENSIONS! The box gives us the support to lengthen while lifting so that we can progress to extension in a safe and successful way!