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Watch this video and more on FEET-NESS Membership

Butt Abs and Wall Sits


Up Next in FULL BODY

  • Fit at the desk - 34 min

    Level 2
    Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. Sitting at a desk is “bad” for many different reasons and it mostly affects the hips, the back, the shoulders and the neck!

    The workout class will provide everyone with a great full body workout that w...

  • Warm up for the Ribcage - 12 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for the ribcage. We’ll warm up all the joints of the body but the ribcage more in depth.

  • Warm up for the Squat - 10 min

    Open Level - Pace: Moderate
    This is the perfect warm up for a squat workout! The many joints of the ankles, knees, pelvis and back need to be “oiled” and prepared for the demanding global movement of the squat to make sure we don’t run into injuries. You can do that in 10 super efficient minutes 😉