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  • Toes and aches

    Level 1 - Pace: Slow
    Enjoy this very quick and to the point workout where we get to stimulate the toes and lift the aches!

  • A Closer LOOK: General ELDOA

    Level 2
    This is one of the hardest ELDOA from a coordination perspective! It’s the only ELDOA that moves…. Follow this tutorial to review the factors of progression and the full execution!

  • Reformer Mat - 25 min

    Level 2 - Pace: Slow-Moderate
    Tools: a towel, Rescue LOOP (if you have one) and 2 yoga blocks.
    The reformer-mat is always challenging but we’ll try to make it more accessible and doable by focusing on the imprint of the powerhouse into the floor, by slowing down some movements and b...

  • Pelvis and FEET - 22 min

    Level 2. Pace: Moderate
    In this workout we’ll work with the Pilates FOOT CORRECTOR and with RESCUE LOOP! We’ll use these apparatuses to focus on the connection between the feet and the pelvis. Small movements, apparently easy exercises that will make you sweat! 😜
    I suggest having a pole or a wall...

  • Abs library #1 - 26 min

    Level 1/2 - Pace: Moderate
    The abs are important for both stability and movement! It’s important to know how to work them out in all ranges of motion to allow our backs to articulate and also protect our internal organs.
    In this class we’ll start working with the rectus abdomini which is the mus...