Creating Space around the Piriformis
Level 3
Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
This session dives deep into the pelvis, focusing on key ELDOA techniques to target and release tension in the sacral region and piriformis. After brief preparatory work for the obturator and piriformis muscles, Ilaria guides you through sacral ELDOA exercises for S2-S3 and S3-S4, emphasizing their connection to the piriformis.
The session culminates with four advanced ELDOA techniques performed at the wall, engaging the buisson arch, champagnois band, sacral spinous ligament, and the glute medius-piriformis connection. A wall with space for spreading, bending, and crossing the legs is ideal to fully explore the movements. This class provides a comprehensive approach to pelvic health, improving mobility, posture, and tension release.
Up Next in Level 3
Ribcage Mat - 33 min
Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
Join Ilaria Cavagna and guest Laura for an intermediate mat workout that centers on the ribcage.
In this session, we’ll explore exercises to warm up and release tension around the ribcage, helping you become more aware of its position and movement potential. With a mindf... -
Neck Health - 16 min
Level 3 - Pace: Slow
In this video, we're diving into an essential area for both you and your clients—the neck. The “text neck” phenomenon is real and addressing it can make a big difference in how we move and feel. Our approach this month focuses on strengthening the neck extensors and flexors,... -
Push your limits Reformer
Level 3 - Pace: Fast
In this video, we'll take on an intermediate Reformer workout, but we're turning up the intensity! We'll make it challenging by progressing certain exercises and experimenting with different spring settings. Let's squeeze the juice out of this session and push your limits!