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MASHUP - Foot Focus & Connections

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FEET-NESS Barbie workout



  • MASHUP - Foot Focus & Connections

    Level 2 - Pace: Moderate
    Recorded live zoom class.
    This is the perfect example of what we mean with “From the ground up”. We’ll start at the feet, taking care of over-pronation and we’ll go up the chain to work with the gluteus max superficial, gluteus medius and the adductors!
    Q&A at the end!

  • A Smart Foot - 41 min

    A Smart Foot
    Level 3 - Pace: slow
    Proprioception makes our ligaments “more intelligent”. In the foot we have so many ligaments that when we start using specific proprioception exercises it makes a HUGE difference.
    In this class we’ll warm up the foot and do lots of work to improve the awareness ...

  • Tibialis Posterior - 18 min

    Open level - Pace: Slow
    Quick focused workout on the Tibialis Posterior Muscle. We'll use Rescue LOOP, a towel and a 2by4 wedge or rigid cover book