Ribcage Melt - 36 min
Level 3
Ribcage Melt
Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
You’ll feel like new! Lots of General Postural Stretching in this video to find more space and motion in anything we do ribcage related! Intercostals MFS, ribcage GPS and lots of good ELDOA!
Up Next in Level 3
Push Up handles #3 - 3 min
Push Up handles #3
Level: 3 - Pace: Moderate
This is a more advanced move to practice after Push up handles #1 and #2. -
Push Up handles #2 - 5 min
Push Up handles #2
Level 3 - Pace: Moderate
In this second workout we take advantage of the raise that the push up handles give to challenge the body to more advanced moves. -
Preventing Hip Replacement - 1h
Level 3 - Pace Moderate
All that you need to do to get your hips strong and prevent hip replacement. Proprioception, reinforcement, MFS, GPS and of course ELDOA! We need to stop the process of osteoarthritis as soon as possible in the joint by creating space! Beyond the important goal of this wor...